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Begin your learning experience and become a cloud system administrator with certificate courses curated to land your dream job.
Skills Covered in this Path
- Jenkins
- Continuous Integration
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A Cloud System Administrator develops, configures, implements, and manages the underlying cloud platform systems. The professional, i.e., system administrator, assists in setting up the public or private cloud systems. They have to learn how to balance their workload and then deploy them in an automated way. The Cloud System Administrator is the one who establishes and also executes the cloud operations as per the specifications and the parameters. They should select the cloud providers as well as keeping in mind the requirements. They will provide all the necessary assistance to the cloud servers, including the security configurations, patching, and troubleshooting.
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Begin your learning experience and become a cloud system administrator with certificate courses curated to land your dream job.
Skills Covered in this Path
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Industry relevant skills
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John Doe
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