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Begin your learning experience and become an automation test engineer with certificate courses curated to land your dream job.
Skills Covered in this Path
- Programming Concepts
- Python Basics
- Variables and Data types in Python
- Operators and Strings in Python
- Python Data Structures
- Control Flow Statements and Functions
- OOPs
- Classes
- Objects
- Inheritance
- Method Overriding in Python
- Python Classes
- Inheritance in Python
- Constructor in Python
- Types of functions
- String functions
- List functions
- Nested functions
- Lambda functions
- Math functions
- Recursion functions
- Pure functions
- Boolean functions
- Regular Expressions in Python
- Programming Fundamentals
- Python Introduction
- Packages in Python
- Python Applications
- Request Module
- Beautiful Soup
- Python
- Web Scraping
- BeautifulSoup Library
- Threading in Python
- Scheduling in Python
- Software testing basics
- Documentation testing
- Testing models
- Pytest concepts
- Manual Testing
- Automation Testing
- Selenium
- Selenium with Python
- Selenium RC
- Selenium IDE
- Selenium GRID
- Selenium WebDriver
- Locators
- PyTest
- WhatsApp Bot using Selenium
- Web Scraping an E-commerce Website using Selenium
- Selenium with Python